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松柏盆栽:指常綠針葉樹種的盆栽,如松、柏、杉、檜等等 |
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雜木盆栽:(常綠系)福建茶、紫檀、黃槴子等等,(落葉系)櫸樹、唐楓、山槭、榆樹等等 |
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花果盆栽:九重葛、皋月杜鵑、紅紫檀、姬柿、鳥梨、茶花、李氏櫻桃等等 |
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山野草盆栽:草本植物為主,可表現出自然山野中花草的縮影等等 |
“一天澆水一次”或“兩天澆水一次”等指引都是植物枯死或根部被水淹死的原因。環境不同、日照、通風條件不同,澆水豈可一視同仁呢!其實何時要澆水是很簡單的 — 只要盆內表面土壤乾燥就要澆水。如果盆土表面未乾就澆水,長期累積下來植物的根部會因土壤太濕而窒息、腐爛。相反,如果盆土已經乾到了盆底卻還未澆水,根部就會因失水而枯萎,當你發現時立即澆水根部卻已經枯萎失去吸收水份的功能,再泡水就會腐爛。因此澆水必須視乎環境不同,日照、通風條件不同去調整澆水的頻率、次數。
- 澆水最好用澆水壺,水花越小越好
- 夏天正午打開水龍頭時要先把水管內熱水排走再澆灑盆栽,以免燙熟植物
- 澆水要讓水花像下雨一樣自然落下,不要對著盆土沖洗
約4月 - 6月
新芽隆起、萌動生長到新芽停止伸長、枝葉生長充實為止。此時期澆水、施肥為盆栽管理上的重點。但是早春施肥與春芽的生長無關,因春肥需在新葉完全展開後才能被植物利用。萌春芽時所需的能量是靠前一年施秋肥時所蓄積的養份,此養份必須靠水份來誘出利用,所以此時期的澆水管理十分重要。到新葉完全展開、葉面面積擴大時,需要的肥量大增。此時需注意肥料的補給,一個月至少施肥一次。施放量則以 4 - 5月中旬為一般量,5月中旬 - 6月底除了基本施肥外可配合每星期一次的水肥補給。
約7月 - 8月
有一定樹齡的樹木過了營養生長期,為了繁衍後代就會開始進行花芽分化,所以此時期稱為生殖生長期。植物新梢伸長到停止時,其葉腋、枝頂會再度分化出葉芽,而當這些葉芽轉變稱花芽時就成為花芽分化。花芽分化會因樹種及所在地氣候之不同而時間上會有差異,但大多樹種集中於 7 - 8月間分化花芽。此時期的花果類盆栽宜施放低氮高磷、高鉀之花果肥,促使植物的花芽分化更完全,來年春天可綻放更多花朵、結出更大的果實。至於其它盆栽樹種於此時期則宜施放少量基本肥,每個月更換一次即可。
約9月 - 11月中旬
進入 9月後白天氣溫仍高,但入夜後氣溫快速降低,形成很大且明顯的日夜溫差。此時是最適合植物將光合作用所產生的碳水化合物合成蓄積的時期,植物根群發育也是最活躍,也是盆栽施肥管理最重要的時期。此時期植物所蓄積的碳水化合物如果不足將明顯反映在明年春芽時的萌動無力、不均,而雜木類、落葉樹類則有易失小枝等現象。此時必須給植物充分的施肥、充分的日照,並保持健全的葉面作光合作用,才能蓄積充足的碳水化合物過冬。故 9 - 10月底除了多量的盆面置肥外,另可配合每星期一次的水肥補給。11月初 - 11月中旬則開始減少盆面置肥並停止施放水肥。
約11月中旬 - 3月
- 依肥料包裝上的說明使用,並依花盆大小及樹種類別、需肥量的不同而調整用量、次數
- 盆栽不施肥不見得會死,最多是發育不良,但是施肥過量則是會枯死的
- 剛換土的盆栽一個月內不可施肥,需待其根、葉可正常代謝後才能施肥
- 雜木盆栽修葉前兩週先施肥可促使它有足夠的能量再長出新芽,但是修葉後、新芽未開葉前不可施肥
- 植物得病、衰弱時不可施肥
- 以上施肥的論述因盆栽樹種不同、所在地氣候不同及盆栽植物的成品度不同,施肥量都必須加以調整
Concrete is a mixture of aggregates and the result of chemical reaction between cement powder and water. During this complex curing process, each cement-water compound reacts individually causing nonuniform result that gives each product a unique pattern. In certain situations, air bubbles can be trapped in the mixture, producing tiny holes in the product.
Wood is a living product that changes and ages over time. Checks and small cracks are normal in the aging process and are not considered damage. Wood knots, though being considered a defect for structural purposes, are beautiful accents to our products.
Before leaving our workshop, each concrete and wood component of Greenology products are protected with a layer of clear matte lacquer. Never use abrasive cleaners or household cleaning products on our finished products. In most cases, spills can be wiped up with dry soft clean cloth. Avoid heat and direct sunlight to lacquered surfaces.
我們每一盆售出的盆栽都應附有一塊標籤着英文字母 A - M 的小膠牌。對應下面資料就知道要怎樣照料你的小盆栽。萬一找不到小膠牌、又或看不懂下面資料也不用擔心,請你提供你的電郵地址,我們會與你聯絡。
A 一般植物 + 淺盆(無孔)花器 Regular plant + Shallow planter w/o drainage hole
Push aside pebbles or gravels, use your hand to touch and feel the soil. Soil sticks together when wet, water only when the soil is dry and become loose.
When you water the plant, do it very slowly until there's a layer of excess water forming above the soil. Gently pour away the excess water.
B 一般植物 + 淺盆(有孔)花器 Regular plant + Shallow planter w/ drainage h
Push aside pebbles or gravels, use your hand to touch and feel the soil. Soil sticks together when wet, water only when the soil is dry and become loose.
When you water the plant, do it very slowly until there's a steady stream of water draining down the drainage hole.
C 一般植物 + 深盆(無孔)花器 Regular plant + Deep planter w/o drainage hole
Please test the moisture level of the soil daily in the first few weeks to understand its needs.
Insert a toothpick into the soil, pull it out after 5 seconds and feel the wetness and/or soil attached to the toothpick. Water the plant only if the toothpick is dry without any moist. Watering has to be done very slowly in circles. Water will go down very fast in the first few rounds. Stop watering when the soil can hardly absorb any more water. In case you have over watered and there's a layer of excess water formed, gently tilt the planter and pour away the excess water.
D 一般植物 + 深盆(有孔)花器 Regular plant + Deep planter w/ drainage h
Please test the moisture level of the soil daily in the first few weeks to understand its needs.
Insert a toothpick into the soil, pull it out after 5 seconds and feel the wetness and/or soil attached to the toothpick. Water the plant only if the toothpick is dry without any moist. Watering has to be done very slowly in circles. Water will go down very fast in the first few rounds. Stop watering until there's a steady stream of water draining down the drainage hole.
E 需長期泥土濕潤植物 + 透明玻璃花器 Plants that favor damp soil + Transparent planter
Water when the color of the soil lightens. When you water the plant, do it very slowly and evenly until soil color darkens completely. Pour away excess water if there is any.
F 需長期泥土濕潤植物 + 非透明花器 Plants that favor damp soil + Non-Transparent planter
Soil has to be kept moist at all times. Water daily if there's direct sunlight or when air humidity is low. Pour away excess water if there is any.
G 水栽植物 + 玻璃花器 Hydroponic plant + Transparent planter
Pebbles are used to form a reservoir layer in the planter. When you water, keep the water level within the reservoir layer to avoid rotting the root and stem. Plants' root will grow and extend to reach water as needed. Water when you see water level in the reservoir layer is low.
H 水栽植物 + 非透明花器 Hydroponic plant + Non-Transparent planter
Fresh water is needed at all times.
I 青苔 Moss
Mist the moss with water every day to keep it dark green in color. Add water to the moss every 3-4 days to keep it moist.
J 多肉植物 + 有孔花器 Succulent + Planter w/ drainage hole
Water only when the succulent leaves turn weak or droop or seeing wrinkles (approx. 10-30 days, depending on the environment). When you water the plant, do it very slowly until there's a steady stream of water draining down the drainage hole.
K 多肉植物 + 無孔花器 Succulent + Planter w/o drainage hole
Water only when the succulent leaves turn weak or droop or seeing wrinkles (approx. 10-30 days, depending on the environment). When you water the plant, do it very slowly until there's a layer of excess water forming above the soil. Gently pour away the excess water.
L 草球 Kokedama
When the surface of the kokedama feels completely dry and crunchy to the touch, soak the entire kokedama in a water bowl for at least 1 minute. Wait until the peat moss absorbs water fully and changes color, remove it from water and drip dry it.
M 迷你樹景 Bonsai Trees
詳情請參閱Greenology網上指引 How to take care of Bonsai 。
Bonsai is an art of potting a tree in a small planter. Due to lack of space and soil and underground water, watering and fertilizing are both frequently needed to keep the bonsai in shape. Refer to detailed instructions on Greenology website.
N 盆底吸水 Sub-Irrigation
Please test the moisture level of the soil daily in the first few weeks to understand its needs. Insert a toothpick into the soil, pull it out after 5 seconds and feel the wetness and/or soil attached to the toothpick. Water the plant only if the toothpick is dry without any moist. When you water, place the entire planter in a water bowl with water level at 1/3 of the planter. Let the soil absorb water from underneath as needed.